
Baby Sign Language is a communication method that involves teaching young infants and toddlers simple gestures or signs to express their needs, desires, or emotions before they develop verbal communication skills. It is typically derived from or adapted to standardized sign languages like American Sign Language (ASL). This method helps in reducing frustration for the child and caregivers by enabling early communication, while potentially contributing to faster language and cognitive skill development.

Key Takeaways

  1. Baby Sign Language is a communication method that uses simple signs and gestures to help pre-verbal infants and toddlers express their needs and emotions, fostering early communication and understanding between parents and their child.
  2. Using Baby Sign Language can potentially reduce frustration and tantrums in young children, as it allows them to convey their needs more effectively before they develop verbal skills.
  3. Baby Sign Language is not a replacement for speech development but rather a supplement that encourages language acquisition and strengthens the bond between parents and their children.


Baby Sign Language is important as it serves as an effective communication tool between parents and their pre-verbal infants or toddlers, allowing for earlier expression of thoughts, needs, and emotions.

It bridges the gap in communication before a child develops spoken language, reducing frustrations for both parents and children by facilitating better understanding.

Utilizing simplified gestures from American Sign Language or other custom signs, Baby Sign Language encourages cognitive and linguistic development, fosters bonding between parents and children, and can even enhance long-term language skills.

Overall, Baby Sign Language plays an essential role in supporting a child’s growth and nurturing a healthy parent-child relationship.


Baby Sign Language is a valuable communication tool that aims to facilitate a deeper connection between parents or caregivers and pre-verbal infants or toddlers. By teaching babies simple gestures or signs that represent everyday objects, emotions, and needs, it empowers them to effectively express themselves before they’re able to verbally articulate their thoughts. The use of Baby Sign Language promotes early communication skills and fosters a stronger bond between the child and their caregiver.

This early success in conveying their feelings and desires can provide a sense of accomplishment, leading to increased self-esteem and encouragement for the child’s language development journey. The purpose of Baby Sign Language extends beyond basic communication, as it also aids in promoting cognitive development, improving fine motor skills, and reducing frustration levels in young children. When babies become frustrated because they’re unable to express their needs, it can lead to emotional distress for both them and their caregivers.

By giving infants the tools to communicate clearly, Baby Sign Language alleviates much of this frustration and contributes to a more harmonious, nurturing environment. This early introduction to communication through signs has been linked to benefits in later language acquisition, as it provides a solid foundation for learning spoken language in the future. By engaging in Baby Sign Language, parents or caregivers can enhance the overall growth and development of their child in a fun and interactive way.

Examples of Baby Sign Language

In a daycare setting, a caregiver teaches young infants basic baby sign language gestures for words like “more,” “all done,” “milk,” and “diaper change.” The children begin to use these gestures to communicate their needs and wants before they’re able to articulate the words. This reduces frustration for both the caregiver and the children and allows for a smoother daily routine.

A new mother, struggling with her baby’s frequent cries, learns about baby sign language as a way to understand her child’s needs better. She starts teaching her baby signs for “hungry,” “sleepy,” and “play.” Over time, her baby begins using these signs effectively, allowing the mother to respond more efficiently and confidently to her baby’s needs, reducing her stress and their overall communication gap.

During a family gathering, a toddler uses baby sign language to express their desire for more food without interrupting the ongoing conversations. The parents can quickly understand and fulfill the toddler’s request, which prevents a potential meltdown or outburst. This allows the family to enjoy a peaceful meal while also appreciating the benefits of teaching baby sign language at an early age.

Baby Sign Language FAQ

What is Baby Sign Language?

Baby Sign Language is a form of non-verbal communication that allows parents and caregivers to communicate with infants and toddlers before they can communicate using words. It involves showing and teaching babies simple hand gestures that represent common words, like ‘eat,’ ‘sleep,’ and ‘play.’

What age should I start teaching my baby sign language?

Most babies can start learning sign language between the ages of 6 and 9 months old. This is when they usually develop the motor skills needed to use their hands for gesturing, and they become more aware of their surroundings.

How does Baby Sign Language benefit my child?

Teaching your baby sign language has several benefits, such as strengthening the bond between parent and child, boosting baby’s cognitive development, improving communication skills, and reducing frustration for both parent and baby.

Can Baby Sign Language delay my child’s speech development?

No, research has shown that using baby sign language does not delay speech development. In fact, it has been found that babies who learn sign language tend to develop verbal language skills at the same time or even earlier than their peers who don’t use sign language.

What are some common signs to start with?

Some common signs to start with include ‘milk,’ ‘eat,’ ‘sleep,’ ‘more,’ ‘all done,’ ‘mom,’ and ‘dad.’ Introducing signs relevant to your baby’s needs and daily activities can help make learning more engaging for them.

How can I effectively teach my baby sign language?

When teaching your baby sign language, make sure to use the signs consistently and repetitively in context. Use the sign while speaking the corresponding word, and encourage your baby to imitate the sign. Be patient, as it may take a bit of time before your baby catches on and starts using signs independently.

Related Parenting Terms

  • Nonverbal Communication
  • Early Language Development
  • Sign Language for Infants
  • Parent-Child Bonding
  • Gestures and Signs

Sources for More Information