Home / Podcast Emma Brown on Raising Emotionally Healthy Boys After the birth of her son, Washington Post investigative reporter, Emma Brown, made the decision that she wanted to raise her boy to be different than many of the men she reported on in the wake of the #Metoo movement. So, she traveled across America, speaking to boys and men about what it means to be a boy today to learn what she could do differently. Her new book, To Raise a Boy, is a chronicle of her experience. In this episode, she talks to Liz about what she learned and explains that just as we've been failing our young girls, we are also failing our young boys, both physically and mentally. By Motherly May 13, 2021 Rectangle This episode is sponsored by Staples Connect. The latest Season 16 Serenity Carr on finding wellness from what we eat Season 16 Ruth Veloria on how working moms can reach beyond ‘just a job’ Season 16 Erin Andrews talks fertility challenges, new motherhood and WEAR Season 16 Revolutionizing work for moms: An interview with Allison Robinson of The Mom Project