The Motherly Podcasts - Season 13

Season 13

jesse draper headshot

VC and Mama Jesse Draper on why we need to invest in female entrepreneurs

“I want to solve childcare. I want to invest in childcare. It is broken and people are finally paying attention.”

March 9, 2023
Dr. Cassie Holmes Headshot

Happiness Researcher Dr. Cassie Holmes on how moms can find more joy in their busy lives

“There simply aren't enough hours in the day to do it all, let alone to do any of it well, let alone to enjoy any of it along the way.”

March 2, 2023
Boram Nam Headshot

Boram Nam on why we need better postpartum care in America

“You just increased the human population by one. The least you can do is to take time off and take it slow.”

February 16, 2023
Shazi Visram Headshot

Healthybaby founder Shazi Visram on her mission to optimize early childhood health

“You can't control everything. But I've also learned that we can shape environments to improve situations.”

February 9, 2023
Yoky Matsuoka headshot

Yohana Founder Yoky Matsuoka wants to help parents tackle their “to do” lists

“Learning to delegate a little bit at a time is something that we want to instill and teach.”

February 2, 2023
Jill Koziol podcast headshot

Motherly Co-Founder Jill Koziol wants you to know no mom can do it all (without help)

“I definitely don't have all the answers. I never will. And we created Motherly in part because we needed Motherly.”

January 26, 2023
Kelly LeVeque headshot

Kelly LeVeque wants to make healthy eating easy

“I think we try to hold it together so much that we make no room for our emotions.”

January 19, 2023