climate change - Motherly
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climate change


EPA report shows how climate change directly impacts kids’ education

Kids today are expected to experience three times as many weather disasters as their grandparents.


These scientists are bringing the climate change fight to fellow moms

The Science Moms know that mothers are a force for change.

Children's Health

The upside of the pandemic: Our planet is healing

This could be a turning point for our children, the earth and their future—but only if we learn from this moment.


5 ways parents can help fight climate change—now

Greta Thunberg gave an impassioned speech at the United Nations Climate Action Summit this week, and her words hit many parents right in the heart.


What parents can do about climate change

Can you convince your children's school to start recycling? Maybe you could volunteer to wash plastic cups after your kid's soccer games, so they aren't using disposable ones.
