

Work & Motherhood

This study proves that paid parental leave benefits moms’ health—for decades

It's much longer than just the few short weeks after birth.


10 meaningful ways you can support mothers every day

Please start. We don't have any more time to lose.

Work & Motherhood

These $800 billion bouquets expose the real value of unpaid labor provided by moms

This Mother's Day, The Marshall Plan for Moms wants you to consider the true value of mothers' work.

Work & Motherhood

New report: 1 in 5 women have left the workforce since the pandemic began

Report: "The burden of the coronavirus pandemic is falling hardest on women."


American mothers are drowning and no one is stepping up to help them

Seventy-four percent of mothers say they feel mentally worse since the pandemic began, according to our recent COVID-19 survey.


88% of parents say being a parent is harder than ever

Luckily there's a lot we can do to make it easier—like giving ourselves a break on self-imposed expectations, and allowing some room for grace.


The system to support motherhood is currently broken—it’s time to fix it

Motherly is demanding change on behalf of America's moms.


No country is on target for gender equality—and that’s hurting mothers, especially

"Gender equality is under attack," says Canadian Prime minister Justin Trudeau.

Community & Friendship

85% of moms don’t think society understands or supports motherhood

We asked what mamas need. You told us.

Community & Friendship

True life: Finding a mom friend feels a lot like dating

"Nice stroller," I nervously flirted. "Thanks," she replied, smiling sheepishly. "How old is your baby?"


Firing pregnant women is worse for employers in the long run

Firing pregnant women isn’t just bad ethics—it’s bad economics.
