
postpartum recovery


7 eye-opening reasons why new moms don’t share their scary thoughts

Newly postpartum women are suffering in silence, but they don't have to be.


I finally got help for my postpartum anxiety—and you can, too

If I could tell you anything about struggling with this, it is this: PPA is real, it is not normal, and getting help is okay. Do not feel ashamed, do not feel embarrassed, and don't for one second think you owe anyone an explanation.


Kate Hudson’s postpartum recovery is about health first, weight loss second

It's refreshing to see Hudson admitting that a mother's body doesn't change overnight after she gives birth.


8 truths about the 4th trimester I wish I had known

6. Little victories are worth celebrating.


Learning that I’m bipolar made me a better mom

It was like putting on glasses for the first time—everything made sense.


I finally realized I had postpartum anxiety—and everything changed

When my oldest son would fall asleep in my arms, I wouldn't grab my phone for a picture. Instead, I would start Googling. How long should newborns sleep? Should you wake a sleeping baby? Can you spoil an infant? From the moment he shut his eyes, I would worry about what I was doing wrong.


Gwyneth Paltrow didn’t recognize her symptoms as postpartum depression

"It was really shocking to me because I never thought that I would be a person who got postnatal depression," Paltrow recently said during an episode of the goop podcast.


I am a postpartum psychosis survivor

The panic set in. Deep panic. Anxiety lurking beneath the surface and pulsating saying to me, something is wrong. Something is wrong.


5 truths about postpartum recovery every woman should know

It's crucial to empower yourself with knowledge of what might happen as your body changes over the coming six weeks postpartum that have the potential to delay your recovery.


Recovering from birth requires these 5 universal needs—for every woman

How women around the globe handle their postpartum recovery.
