
Second Year, Week 20


8 natural skincare products you need to know about, mama

Here are some of our favorites for both baby + mama.


It’s priceless —16-month-old

Your worth is far beyond what you know. Motherhood demands a lot of you. You've given up mornings sleeping in. Your money. Your freedom. In fact, it's hard to find an area of your life that you haven't sacrificed once your child was born. And yet—you wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. XO, TeamMotherly P.S. Ellevest provides investment advice tailored to the needs of dynamic women like you—because you can't put a price on financial security. Toddler this week: An independent streak is emerging. Try this: Encourage independence as much as you can. Mealtimes might be messier and tasks might not get done the 'right' way, but your child will build the confidence to (one day!) do these small things for herself. It's worth the extra effort now. Promise.


5 ways to banish boredom for your toddler—and yourself, mama

Not all toddler boredom busters are created equal
