
Rooting is a natural instinct for babies, primarily seen during the early weeks of birth. It involves the baby turning their head towards stimuli, such as a touch on the cheek or mouth, signalling they are ready to latch on and feed. The term is commonly used in the context of breastfeeding.

Key Takeaways

  1. ‘Rooting’ refers to the instinctual behavior of a newborn that helps them locate their mother’s breast for feeding. This reflects how a key aspect of motherhood is providing sustenance for the child.
  2. The term also carries the connotation of the mother-child relationship being akin to that of a plant and its roots. Just like a plant draws nourishment from its roots for growth, a child draws emotional sustenance, security, and love from their mother, fostering growth and development.
  3. Furthermore, ‘rooting’ signifies the development of a deep connection and attachment between mother and child. Through continuous mother-child interactions, a strong bond is formed, which is critical for the child’s psychological well-being and emotional stability.


Rooting is an important term in motherhood as it refers to an instinctual behavior in newborns that helps them find their mother’s breast to start feeding. This reflex develops in the womb and is crucial for the survival and health of a baby immediately after birth.

When the baby’s cheek, mouth, or chin is stroked, she or he naturally turns towards the touch and opens the mouth to ‘root’ in the direction of the food source. This action assists in successful breastfeeding, bonding between mother and child, and contributes to the baby’s cognitive and physical development.

Therefore, recognizing and supporting this behavior is essential for mothers to ensure adequate milk intake for their child and lay the foundation for a thriving relationship with their baby.


Rooting is a natural instinct that is observed in newborn babies that assists them in locating their mother’s breast for breastfeeding. This instinct is crucial as it not only serves to satiate the baby’s hunger, but also fosters an essential bond between the mother and child and provides various vital nutrients the baby needs for healthy development. It’s typically one of the first reflexes newborns exhibit after being born.

Upon the slightest touch or stroke on the baby’s cheek or mouth, they will instinctively turn their head towards the direction of the touch to start the process of breastfeeding. The purpose behind the rooting reflex is aimed at the survival of the newborn. It works as a mechanism to ensure the baby’s sustained growth and development through breastfeeding, which supplies important vitamins, minerals, and antibodies.

It also encourages the development of the baby’s sucking reflex, which is critical for eating. Over time, typically after four months, rooting becomes a voluntary action as opposed to an automatic reflex. In essence, rooting not only guarantees the child’s basic feeding needs are met but also opens a path to foster a nurturing bond between the mother and the newborn.

Examples of Rooting

Breastfeeding: Rooting is a natural instinct for newborn babies to search for their mother’s breast. When the cheek or corner of a baby’s mouth touches something, the baby will turn towards that touch and open their mouth to ‘root’ around for a nipple. This strong instinctive behavior helps to initiate and establish breastfeeding.

Parenting Classes: In parenting classes, especially those focused on newborn care, the term “rooting” is often used to describe how infants turn their heads toward a touch, seeking food. It’s a commonly taught aspect of newborn behavior. Understanding these early reflexes allows parents to understand the signs when their baby is hungry, making them feel more confident about meeting their child’s needs.

Pediatric Check-ups: During regular check-ups, pediatricians often check for certain natural reflexes in babies, rooting being one of them. The doctor might stroke the cheek of the baby and observe to see if the baby turns its head or opens its mouth towards the stroked side. It is seen as a positive sign of normal developmental behavior in infants.

Frequently Asked Questions about Rooting in Motherhood

What is rooting in terms of motherhood?

Rooting is a newborn reflex that is seen in normal newborn babies. It helps ensure successful breastfeeding and is triggered when the corner of the baby’s mouth touches the skin.

How long does the rooting reflex last?

The rooting reflex will begin to fade around 4 months of age, but it’s not unusual for the rooting reflex to last until baby is a year old.

How can a mother test for the rooting reflex?

Mother can test the rooting reflex by stroking their baby’s cheek or mouth. The baby should turn his or her head toward the source of the touch and open his or her mouth to find the nipple or teat.

Why is the rooting reflex important for breastfeeding?

The rooting reflex is important for breastfeeding as it helps your baby find your breast or bottle to begin feeding. Without this reflex, feeding could be more challenging.

What if my baby doesn’t show the rooting reflex?

If your baby doesn’t show the rooting reflex, it might be a cause of concern. It’s best to consult your pediatrician who can guide you about the developmental milestones your baby should be meeting.

Related Motherhood Terms

  • Breastfeeding
  • Infant Bonding
  • Newborn Reflexes
  • Latch-on Technique
  • Suckling

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