
Sensory Integrative Dysfunction, also known as Sensory Processing Disorder, is a condition where the brain has trouble processing sensory information. This can cause individuals to have difficulties in performing daily tasks, showing inappropriate responses or actions to situations, or have trouble achieving motor skills. It is commonly identified in children and may affect their development and learning ability.

Key Takeaways

  1. Sensory Integrative Dysfunction is a condition that affects how the brain processes sensory information like touch, sound, and movements. This may lead to challenges in performing routine tasks and behaviors.
  2. Children with Sensory Integrative Dysfunction could exhibit symptoms like overreacting to stimuli, difficulty in motor skills, difficulty in learning, and unusual posture or movement. It is crucial for parents to identify these symptoms early and seek professional help.
  3. Managing Sensory Integrative Dysfunction often involves occupational therapy, which focuses on activities that help the child respond better to stimuli. Sensory integration therapy might include play-based activities designed to alter the way the brain reacts to touch, sound, sight and movement.


Sensory Integrative Dysfunction, or commonly known as Sensory Processing Disorder, is an important term in motherhood as it relates to a child’s ability to process sensory information like touch, sound, smell, taste, sight, balance, and body awareness.

This condition can greatly impact a child’s development and daily functioning, including their behavior, learning abilities, motor skills, and social interactions.

Mothers, being the primary caregivers, need to be aware of this condition so they can identify the symptoms early (such as a child being overly sensitive or under responsive to stimuli), seek professional help, and provide the necessary support at home.

The understanding of Sensory Integrative Dysfunction empowers a mother to facilitate her child’s growth and development more effectively, even in the face of such challenges.


Sensory Integrative Dysfunction, also known as Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), plays an important role in understanding a child’s interaction with their environment. The main purpose of this concept is to describe a condition where the brain has trouble receiving, organizing, and responding to information that comes in through the senses.

The ability to properly integrate sensory information plays a key role in a child’s development, behavior, learning abilities, and day-to-day functioning. When there’s a disruption in this process, it could influence the child’s ability to perform tasks and interact with the world around them, hence the importance of recognizing and addressing this condition.

Further, SPD has been used as a tool that helps therapists, parents, and educators comprehend why some children may struggle with seemingly simple tasks. Children who are affected by this disorder might have extreme responses to sensory experiences that most people find ordinary, like startling at loud noises, being bothered by certain clothing textures, show extreme disliking towards certain food textures or have difficulty engaging in play and other social events.

By understanding Sensory Integrative Dysfunction, it can guide suitable interventions that can help reinforce a child’s sensory integration and build on their skills to cope with sensory stimuli, enhance their learning experience, and improve their social interactions.

Examples of Sensory Integrative Dysfunction

Sensory Integrative Dysfunction, also known as Sensory Processing Disorder, is a neurophysiological condition in which the brain has trouble receiving and responding to information that comes through the senses. Here are three real-world examples of how this disorder can affect everyday life.

Difficulty with Daily Tasks: A child with sensory integrative dysfunction may struggle with routine tasks such as brushing their teeth or getting dressed. For example, they may insist on wearing only certain types of clothing because other textures feel uncomfortable or even painful. They may also dislike the sensation of toothpaste in their mouth, which makes oral hygiene a challenge.

Problems at School: In a classroom setting, the child might struggle to concentrate due to being overwhelmed by sensory input, such as bright lights or loud noises. They might easily distract from their work if a classmate is tapping his pencil or if the room is too warm. This can affect their academic performance and their ability to socialize with peers.

Difficulty with Meals: When it comes to eating, kids with this disorder might be unusually picky eaters. Certain food textures or tastes can be off-putting or even intolerable for them, which can limit their diet and make mealtimes a struggle.These are just a few examples. Sensory Integrative Dysfunction is a complex disorder and can manifest differently in each individual.

FAQs on Sensory Integrative Dysfunction

What is Sensory Integrative Dysfunction?

Sensory Integrative Dysfunction, also known as Sensory Processing Disorder, is a condition where the brain has trouble processing information from the senses. It may cause sensitivity to stimuli, difficulty with coordination, or problems with perceived spatial orientation.

What are the symptoms of Sensory Integrative Dysfunction?

Common symptoms may include hypersensitivity to touch, taste, or sound, difficulty performing complex movements, trouble interpreting spatial relationships, and difficulties adapting to new situations or routines. It’s important to note that these symptoms can vary greatly from person to person.

How is Sensory Integrative Dysfunction diagnosed?

The disorder is typically diagnosed through a series of tests administered by a trained professional. These tests often focus on the individual’s responses to sensory stimuli and can include observations, interviews, standardized tests and normative data comparison.

What treatment options are available for Sensory Integrative Dysfunction?

Treatment typically involves occupational therapy with a sensory integration approach, which focuses on activities that challenge the individual to respond appropriately to sensory input. Other options can include physical therapy and speech-language therapy. It’s best to consult a healthcare professional for personalized treatment advice.

How can I support a child with Sensory Integrative Dysfunction?

Support can be given through simple adjustments in the child’s environment to minimize overwhelming stimuli. Providing a structured routine, using coping strategies such as deep breathing, or introducing sensory toys or tools can also be helpful. It’s suggested to work closely with health care professionals to learn more strategies.

Related Motherhood Terms

  • Occupational Therapy
  • Sensory Processing
  • Proprioceptive Dysfunction
  • Sensory Modulation Disorder
  • Hypersensitivity

Sources for More Information

  • This is a helpful source for those looking for information about learning and thinking differences, including Sensory Integrative Dysfunction.
  • WebMD: WebMD provides valuable health information, tools for managing your health, and support to those who are in need. It has various articles on Sensory Integrative Dysfunction.
  • Mayo Clinic: Mayo Clinic is a reliable source for health-related information. It also provides specific information about Sensory Integrative Dysfunction.
  • ADDitude Magazine: A reliable source for guidance and understanding for people suffering from ADHD and related health conditions such as Sensory Integrative Dysfunction.