
Undescended testicles, medically known as cryptorchidism, refers to a condition in newborn males where one or both of the testicles have not moved down into their proper place in the scrotum before birth. This condition is most common in premature babies. If the testicles do not descend on their own within a few months, medical intervention might be required.

Key Takeaways

  1. Undescended testicles, also known as cryptorchidism, is a condition that pertains to boys and not motherhood. It is a condition presents at birth when one or both of a male baby’s testes fail to descend into the scrotum before birth.
  2. This condition is most common in premature babies and often resolves on its own. In cases where it does not resolve, it may necessitate surgical intervention to relocate the testicles to prevent complications such as infertility and increased risk of testicular cancer in the future.
  3. Maternal factors such as alcohol consumption during pregnancy, diabetes, obesity, and smoking can contribute to the risk of having a baby with undescended testicles. It’s advisable for expectant mothers to maintain a healthy lifestyle to minimize such risks.


The term “undescended testicles” is important in the context of motherhood because it refers to a common condition in newborn boys where one or both of the testes have not moved down into the proper position in the scrotum before birth.

This can lead to complications such as fertility issues, testicular cancer, and psychological distress as the child grows older.

As a mother, being aware of this condition is crucial to ensure the doctor checks for it during the initial physical examinations after birth.

If the condition is confirmed, treatment options like hormone injections or surgery are available to help the testes descend into the correct position, ensuring normal development.

Therefore, understanding undescended testicles allows mothers to better take care of their sons’ health.


Undescended testicles, a condition medically known as Cryptorchidism, refers to a condition in male infants where one or both testicles have not moved into their proper position in the scrotum before birth. Normally, the testicles descend from the abdomen into the scrotum before birth in male infants.

This descent is important since the temperature inside the scrotum is lower, which is necessary for the production of sperm and thus, fertility in the future. The process of testicle descent is significant for future reproductive health.

If the condition doesn’t correct itself within the first few months of life, treatment may be necessary to move the testicles into the scrotum. An elevated testicular temperature caused by undescended testicles could result in low sperm count or sperm that aren’t healthy, thus affect fertility.

Moreover, undescended testicles increase the risk of testicular cancer and could result in psychological distress and image concerns as the boy grows up. Therefore, this descent plays a pivotal role in the physical and emotional well-being, as well as the fertility of the individual in their adult life.

Examples of Undescended testicles

Undescended testicles, also known as cryptorchidism, is a condition in newborn boys where one or both of the testes fail to descend. Here are three real-world examples:

Example 1 – Newborn Screening: In many hospitals, newborn screening includes checking the baby boy for undescended testicles. This is because this condition is relatively common, affecting up to 5% of newborn boys. Doctors or nurses usually detect this during the physical examination right after birth.

Example 2 – Pediatric Check-up: At a six-month wellness check, a mother notices that her baby boy’s testicles aren’t visible. The pediatrician confirms that the infant has an undescended testicle. In many cases, the testicles descend by themselves within the first few months, but if they haven’t descended by the time the boy is about 6 months, treatment might be needed.

Example 3 – Fertility Issues Later in Life: A man and his wife have been struggling to conceive a child. After several checks, it’s identified that the man has a low sperm count due to an untreated case of undescended testicles as an infant. Because the testicles are outside the body for a reason – to keep the sperm at a temperature lower than the body temperature – when they fail to descend, it can lead to fertility issues.

Frequently Asked Questions about Undescended Testicles

What are undescended testicles?

Undescended testicles, also known as cryptorchidism, is a condition that is present at birth in some males. In this condition, one or both of the testes fail to descend into the scrotum before birth.

What causes undescended testicles?

The exact cause of undescended testicles is not known. It is believed to be a combination of genetics, maternal health, and environmental factors. However, it’s not something that the mother does during pregnancy that causes this condition.

What issues can undescended testicles cause?

Undescended testicles can lead to problems in the future such as infertility, testicular cancer, and psychological stress. It can also augment the chance of testicular torsion, a painful condition that requires emergency treatment.

How are undescended testicles diagnosed?

Undescended testicles are typically diagnosed at birth during a physical examination. In some cases, they may not be noticed until later in infancy or childhood.

What are the treatment options for undescended testicles?

The primary treatment for undescended testicles is surgery, which is usually done between 6 and 12 months of age. This allows the testicles to develop in the correct location and minimize potential complications later in life.

Related Motherhood Terms

  • Cryptorchidism
  • Orchiopexy (surgical treatment of undescended testicles)
  • Birth defects related to male reproductive system
  • Testicular Torsion
  • Infertility due to undescended testicles

Sources for More Information

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