
Yoga for preschoolers is a simplified, age-appropriate adaptation of traditional yoga practices, designed specifically for young children typically between the ages of 3-5 years. It incorporates physical activities, games, and storytelling to engage preschoolers and promote physical and cognitive development. The goal is to teach relaxation, mindfulness, as well as emotional regulation while improving balance, coordination, and flexibility in a fun and interactive way.

Key Takeaways

  1. Yoga for preschoolers focuses on introducing yoga basics to young children, fostering mindfulness, and promoting physical and emotional well-being.
  2. These classes often incorporate creative play, storytelling, and supportive props to engage and teach preschoolers age-appropriate yoga poses and breathing techniques.
  3. Yoga for preschoolers may improve motor skills, self-awareness, social skills, concentration, and stress regulation, setting the foundation for a healthy lifestyle.


The parenting term “Yoga for Preschoolers” is important because it highlights the significance of introducing yoga to young children in their formative years, creating a strong foundation for their physical, emotional, and mental well-being.

Yoga, as a holistic discipline, supports the development of gross motor skills, enhances focus, concentration, and self-awareness while also promoting relaxation and stress relief.

By incorporating yoga into preschoolers’ daily routine, parents and educators foster a healthy, balanced lifestyle and encourage children to maintain a connection with their bodies and minds.

Furthermore, teaching yoga to preschoolers helps instill lifelong habits of mindfulness, flexibility, resilience, and self-control which will benefit them throughout their lives.


Yoga for preschoolers is a holistic approach to promote the overall well-being and development of young children by introducing them to the ancient practice of yoga, specially tailored to suit their abilities and needs. The primary purpose of this practice is to help preschoolers improve their physical and mental strength, flexibility, concentration, and emotional self-regulation through simple yoga poses, breathing exercises, and guided relaxation techniques.

By giving children a playful and engaging means to explore the mind-body connection, yoga for preschoolers cultivates self-awareness and positive values, preparing them for a successful and fulfilling future. Incorporating yoga into preschoolers’ daily routines fosters the growth of essential life skills, such as stress management, empathy, and resilience.

As children learn to use their breath as a calming tool, they begin to self-regulate and manage stress through challenges they face. Additionally, practicing yoga with peers encourages children to foster a sense of community, cooperation, and respect for one another.

Furthermore, yoga for preschoolers instills an appreciation for the importance of maintaining a healthy body and mind at an early age, setting the foundation for a lifelong commitment to self-care, wellbeing, and personal growth. Through the practice of yoga, children become equipped with tools that help them face the ever-changing world with confidence, kindness, and self-assuredness.

Examples of Yoga For Preschoolers

Hatha Yoga for Preschoolers Class at a Local Yoga Studio: Many yoga studios and community centers offer yoga classes specifically designed for preschool-aged children. These classes often incorporate age-appropriate yoga poses, games, storytelling, and songs to engage and teach young children about mindfulness, balance, and physical activity. One such example is the Hatha Yoga for Preschoolers class at the Little Moon Yoga Studio in Brooklyn, New York.

Preschool Yoga Program in Educational Settings: Some preschools have incorporated yoga into their daily curriculum as a means to support social-emotional development and physical well-being. For instance, the Growing Tree Preschool in San Francisco, California, offers a weekly yoga program that focuses on teaching preschoolers fundamental yoga poses, as well as enhancing their self-awareness, concentration, and relaxation in a playful environment.

‘Yoga Pretzels: 50 Fun Yoga Activities for Kids and Grownups’ Card Deck: This set of 50 activity cards created by Tara Guber and Leah Kalish provides parents and educators with a wide variety of yoga exercises and games specifically designed for young children. The Yoga Pretzels cards can help families and classrooms integrate yoga into their daily routines by making it both fun and accessible. These cards are perfect for parents who are looking for a resource to practice yoga with their preschoolers at home, or for teachers who want to incorporate yoga into their classroom environments.

Yoga for Preschoolers FAQ

What are the benefits of yoga for preschoolers?

Yoga for preschoolers can improve flexibility, strength, and balance. Additionally, it helps them develop focus, relaxation techniques, body awareness, and encourages a positive self-image.

What are some age-appropriate yoga poses for preschoolers?

Some appropriate yoga poses for preschoolers include the Downward Dog, Tree Pose, Child’s Pose, Cat-Cow Stretch, and Butterfly Pose. Of course, make sure to adapt the poses according to their abilities and provide assistance as needed.

How can I keep preschoolers engaged during a yoga session?

Keep preschoolers engaged in yoga by incorporating storytelling, using their imagination, playing age-appropriate music, and allowing them to express themselves. Make the sessions fun and interactive, with a focus on experiencing the poses rather than perfecting them.

How long should a yoga session last for preschoolers?

For preschoolers, a yoga session can last between 15-30 minutes. Start with shorter sessions and gradually increase the time as they get more comfortable and focused during their practice.

What are some safety precautions to consider when teaching yoga to preschoolers?

Ensure that the space is safe and free of hazards, provide adequate supervision, demonstrate and explain poses clearly before having the children attempt them, and avoid poses that could strain or injure their young, growing bodies. Remember to encourage them to listen to their own bodies and allow them to take breaks as needed.

Related Parenting Terms

  • Child-friendly yoga poses
  • Mindfulness and relaxation for kids
  • Preschool yoga games
  • Teaching yoga to young children
  • Benefits of yoga for preschoolers

Sources for More Information

  • Yoga Journal: A leading online yoga magazine, offering a wide variety of resources, including information on yoga for preschoolers.
  • Cosmic Kids Yoga: A fun and interactive yoga platform dedicated to teaching yoga to children, including preschoolers, through engaging stories and videos.
  • ChildLight Yoga: A nationally recognized organization focused on providing yoga and mindfulness classes and teacher training for children, including preschoolers.
  • Young Yoga Masters: A certified kids yoga teacher training program with valuable resources and insights for teaching yoga to preschoolers and older children.