Home / Travel Your next hack for traveling with kids: Rent your baby gear when you get there Leave the baby gear at home next time you travel! BabyQuip's got you. By Karen Johnson Updated January 25, 2024 Rectangle Inside this article What is this company about? Here's a BabyQuip review!How does BabyQuip work? We independently select and share the products we love—and may receive a commission if you choose to buy. Table of Contents Toggle What is this company about? Here's a BabyQuip review!How does BabyQuip work? Anyone who has been a parent for a minute knows one basic tenet of child-raising: leaving the house requires… well, bringing a lot of stuff. And traveling with kids? Forget about it. Between the pack and play, the car seat / stroller combo, the diaper bag, the snack bag, the bottles, the wipes, the diapers… Did you pack enough pacifiers? Your toddler’s favorite snuggie? What about the sound machine?! You know your kid will never sleep without that blessed white noise, which means YOU will never sleep either. And then you bring everything you possibly can, but there are still challenges. Where does your 1-year-old eat at your Airbnb when there’s no high chair? How will you give your infant a bath without the baby tub? What happens when you realize you forgot the baby monitor? Or the room your little one is sleeping in is as bright as the sun itself with no way to filter out a little light? All that means is that Mom will not relax on this trip, even for a second, and will return home more exhausted than she was before she left. And no one wants that. So yes, embarking on any sort of travel—whether by train, plane, car, bus, or boat, especially if you have little ones in tow—can be overwhelming, and frankly, can make you question many of your life choices. But wait. We have something exciting to share that will literally change your whole outlook on traveling with kids. What if we told you there was a company out there whose entire mission was to make traveling with babies and toddlers easier? It’s true and it’s called BabyQuip. What is this company about? Here’s a BabyQuip review! Basically, there was a need—make traveling with little kids less hellacious—and two women (of course they’re women) named Fran Maier and Kerri Couillard decided to create a company that would meet that need. The idea of baby gear rentals was simple, yet genius, because no one had thought of it before. What if parents didn’t have to drag every single item their baby used on a daily basis with them when they left home for a week? What if parents could rent the necessities once they arrived at their location—like a pack and play, or a jogging stroller, a car seat, or a high chair? Or even a bin of toys to entertain their active toddler, like Duplos and a stack of books? (Some locations even have the coveted Nugget Couch to rent!) And—it gets better—what if this new company also provided opportunities for women and mothers around the country to work from home, have flexible schedules, and earn an income as well? What if, right? Well Fran and Kerri made it happen, and in 2016, the concept for Baby Quip was born. Because of BabyQuip, a parent traveling to a new city doesn’t have to sweat profusely dragging a pack and play, a bag full of toys, and a stationary car seat through the airport anymore if they don’t want to. They can simply rent what they need when they arrive—from a fellow mom too! That’s right. Quite often, the person you’re renting your items from is another mom, just like you, who knows the trials and tribulations of motherhood all too well. She has all the items you need right there in her home, ready to freshly sanitize and provide to you, making your vacation… well, feel more like an actual vacation. How does BabyQuip work? So how does it work? Well, you can search by city you’re traveling to and the dates you’ll need services, and then you can search for the actual gear you might need. Some providers will deliver your requested items to the airport, or have everything all set up for you at your hotel or rental property prior to your arrival (for an extra charge). Or, you can choose to self pick-up and return for free. Okay, we know what you’re thinking. Use someone else’s stuff? How will I know if it’s clean? Safe? Good quality? Well, check out some BabyQuip reviews and you’ll see that each of their quality providers is fully trained and is expected to uphold the highest standards in cleanliness and safety standards. Products are continuously checked for recalls, expiration dates, and safety hazards. Plus, BabyQuip knows that “clean” is the name of the game in motherhood, so providers ensure that everything you rent is fully sterilized with non-toxic cleaning products that will kill the germs but keep baby safe. Also, maybe it’s not you who needs baby equipment, but rather, someone coming to visit and that someone has a toddler in tow who needs a booster and some toys. Only your kids are grown and you don’t have tiny items for tiny humans anymore. No worries—BabyQuip can help and bring whatever you need right to your home. Wagon Rental from BabyQuip Rent anything from baby monitors to car seats to wagons. Don’t forget—this is your vacation too, so make it easier on yourself! Prices vary based on location, length of stay, and items requested. SHOP In addition, another way BabyQuip tries to make this trip easier on you, Mom, is by doing some of the thinking and planning for you—in the form of packages. For example, you can order the “Classic Sleep Package” which includes a crib, sound machine, and baby monitor. Short on space? Try the “Mini Sleep Package” which means you’ll get a mini crib or pack and play instead. Don’t forget—these are moms who have been in your shoes and know exactly what you and baby need to get a good night’s sleep. Another service BabyQuip provides is cleaning, and oh what a joy it is to have your child’s car seat, high chair, or stroller returned to their original luster and shine. Seriously, is there anything better? You can bring items to your nearest cleaning provider (check their website for locations) or request a house clean! Absolutely the best gift ever for Mom. So whether you’re super outdoorsy and want to hike a mountain with your baby on your back (they’ve got backpack carriers!) or you just want to plop your 8-month-old into an exersaucer so they’re contained and maybe that means you can enjoy a mojito by the beach, there’s a very good chance someone can provide you with what you (and baby) need to turn this “trip” into a “vacation” for Mom—the person who needs it the most. *BabyQuip is currently offering a unique travel promotion through Motherly. Use code MOTHERLY to receive $30 off any item total over $150. Rent Clean and Safe Baby Gear from BabyQuip Strollers, car seats, high chairs, cribs, toys… BabyQuip has whatever you need so you don’t have to lug it with you. SHOP Categories: Travel, Baby Inside this article What is this company about? Here's a BabyQuip review!How does BabyQuip work? Related articles Viral & Trending News anchor mom hilariously recaps her family ‘vacation’ August 6, 2024 Celebrity News Moms are loving Chrissy Teigen’s unedited bikini photos April 8, 2024 Viral & Trending Spouses, take notes: THIS is how you give a mom a perfect vacation April 8, 2024 Travel Should travelers be expected to give up their seats for parents? Reddit’s viral debate weighs in November 25, 2024 News Is Disney’s new Lightning Lane ‘Premier Pass’ worth it for moms? October 18, 2024