Ashley Wasilenko, Author at Motherly

Ashley Wasilenko

Ashley is a wife, mother of two sweet boys named Leo and Declan. She loves her role as the Manager of Client Strategy and Services at Motherly. She is also an avid cook, Sephora shopper and lover of peonies.

c-section surprises mama

13 things that surprised me about having a C-section

6. How fast they got my son out.

Updated October 7, 2022
two siblings reading a book together

Thank you to my little ones for being patient with me

I am asking them to not be scared or worried about the virus, even though I am every single day.

June 10, 2020
woman wearing a mother shirt holding her stomach-postpartum body

An ode to my body—you’ve grown, carried and birthed a baby

Thank you for the gift of health. Thank you for the gift of life. Thank you for the gift of movement.

Updated January 10, 2023

Motherhood is: Taking care of a toddler while recovering from a C-section

And being kind to yourself along the way.

January 4, 2019
Family wearing matching holiday clothes

What to wear in holiday photos: 4 coordinating looks for the entire family

If you're not a fan of matching outfits, having coordinated looks can help you achieve the perfect picture.

November 8, 2018
big brother and baby brother

To my firstborn—you are the best big brother I’ve ever seen

My wish is that you will always be best friends. That you always look out for each other. Continue to be each other's biggest fans.

September 25, 2018
man carrying a baby

Thank you for showing our boys what it takes to be a real man

Thank you for wiping away their tears, and showing them that expressing their feelings is healthy and important.

June 13, 2018