Home / Catherine Keating
Catherine is a mother, teacher, and writer living in Seattle with her husband Joe, two children, Tucker and Grace, and furry baby, Jersey Dog. She attempts to stay mindful and grounded, and is always on the search for all things beautiful and joyful. Catherine's first book, There Was Supposed To Be a Baby, was inspired by her journey to healing after two miscarriages. In her spare time, Catherine practices yoga, enjoys music, and spending as much time as possible outdoors.
Personally, I'm a big believer that this, simply knowing how to rest, is one of the greatest lessons I can exemplify for my intense little people.
I love my snuggles and I love being the antidote to their fear and sadness. But occasionally, I do wish they understood that they could easily wake their dad for help, or that he is equally capable of putting socks on the correct way.
I’m learning to cherish my daughter’s larger-than-life spirit and mission.
You’re not going to feel “caught up” for a very long time. If you accept that—you’ll find new freedom.
Tears. The tears. They bubble up without warning. In grocery stores, in the car, watching my daughter’s dance class.
Because sometimes it takes courage to be the kind one.
What I learned from my son’s tonsillectomy.
My number one priority these days will be to help my little one to feel strong in this new world.
1. I’ll begin each day with opportunity.
Doing “nothing” is doing enough. More than enough.
I’ve struggled with anxiety for 20 years or so. While it has been a demon of mine, it has also been a great teacher.
Why I’ll take my baby in my bed these days.