Christopher Dale, Author at Motherly

Christopher Dale

In addition to parenting, Christopher Dale frequently writes on society and politics. His work has appeared in Salon, The Daily Beast and New York Daily News, among other outlets, and he regularly contributes to The Fix, a sober-lifestyle website. Follow him on Twitter at @ChrisDaleWriter.

baby feet in father hands

6 tips to REALLY prepare for the first year of fatherhood

From a guy who's been there, here's what I wish I had known before my first baby arrived.

June 15, 2021

True life: When I went back to work after my son was born, it felt like my soul was still at home

Paternity leave is still largely a nonstarter in this country, a norm that carries myriad consequences.

May 16, 2018
dad working on a laptop and kissing daughter on the head

Working dads have guilt, too

I feel as though I am often just as compromised as my working wife feels. It's frustrating for the both of us.

April 18, 2018