
Mari Ebert

I'm a full time online teacher, a mama of two, a wife, and a passionate writer. I finally decided to follow my dreams and started my very own blog in hopes of relating to other mama. I've been published on Motherly, Scary Mommy, Her View From Home, Filter Free Parents, and Today's Parents.

Motherly Stories

To the weary and exhausted mama—you aren’t alone

Hey mama, You’re doing the best you can. You’re loved. You’re resilient. You’re strong.


This is what anxiety feels like

I often get asked to describe what a panic attack feels like or how my anxiety presents itself. So I finally sat down, allowed myself to be vulnerable, and came up with this explanation.


My anxiety is at its peak when my child is sick

Tonight—right now—the only thing I can do is remind myself that this will pass. The fog will lift eventually, and the fear will slip away.
