Home / Rachael Ash
Raschael Ash is a Freelance Writer, has a BA in English Literature, runs her personal blog Reimagining Rascal, and is a mother to three kids with big personalities.
I'm going to say what usually goes unsaid about racism.
I know I'm lucky to be at home with my kids right now and please, believe me, I am grateful, but dang, can a girl get some personal space?
Half, step or whole siblings it doesn't matter. The love is full no matter what.
And today, at this moment, I would LOVE a second of quiet.
Even on the days when it feels like you got "nothing" done.
I need to embrace the idea that nurturing, supporting, and loving my child has everything to do with encouraging them to be the best version of themselves and nothing to do with raising a miniature version of me.
Being a mom has opened up my eyes to how magical childhood is by seeing the wonder through theirs.
And I'm done apologizing for it.
I am the mother I am because of the collective group of women I have in my life.
Thank you Mom, for being my teacher, my mentor and my best friend.
12:45 am—I wonder, when Beyonce gets up with the twins, does Jay-Z get up too?
I’m learning and growing just as much as my kids are.