Everyone’s favorite grandma is dropping Thanksgiving prep secrets on social media. You’ve probably seen viral videos of Babs, better known as @brunchwithbabs, all over your Instagram and TikTok. She’s a sweet lady who shares a lot of tips and tricks about everything under the sun.

With Thanksgiving around the corner, one of her videos is making the rounds. Even though she posted it last year, these Thanksgiving prep secrets are so good that it’s going viral AGAIN.

Take notes because you won’t want to miss these tips.

Her first hot tip makes so much sense that you’ll be wondering why you haven’t been already doing this.

Babs uses Mise en place—which just means “putting in place. She says, “This single rule is the key to any cook’s success.” Measure everything you need for every recipe and place all of the ingredients on a baking sheet with the recipe card included. That way you have separate baking sheets for every recipe and everything is organized.

Another tip she shares is a total game-changer when it comes to saving space. Between the different make-ahead meals and holiday dishes, your refrigerator gets full super fast. Babs recommends using your coolers.

“Use one cooler to keep things cold with anything you’re going to need on Thanksgiving. You turn your other cooler into a hot box,” she says.

And this is why they’re Thanksgiving prep secrets because who would have thought you could turn your cooler into a hot box? Her tip is to fill the cooler with hot water, let it sit for five minutes and drain. She lines the bottom with foil then fill it up with foil-covered dishes. So easy!

The viral video is chock full of Thanksgiving prep tips that can definitely make your holiday a lot less chaotic.

And even though there is one tip that’s a little controversial (we’re looking at you dish washer potatoes), her followers love all that she shares.

“Thanks Babs we all appreciate these great tips”

“Babs for President! Genius”

“Wow! These ideas are amazing!”