
second baby


Mama, soon it’ll be hard to remember life without baby #2

Once your baby is here, you won't remember life without them


Ask Motherly: I’m about to have two kids under 2, during a pandemic—how do I do this?

Motherly's co-founders offer game-changing, life-changing advice for moms of two under 2 (because mama, we've been there).


I thought my second child would be easier than my first—but I’m struggling

Here's why having a second child can be so challenging.


I want another baby—but not yet

I want to give my son a sibling, but I have to consider myself, too.


To my second born, who does things their way

There's a confidence in your smile that astounds me. You seem too young to be this self-assured.


I feel guilty for all the things my second-born doesn’t get

There are so many things you can't do (at least not with the same time and attention) for baby #2 that you did the first time around.


My birth story: Two weeks late in a birth center

I started to feel like a watched pot. #StillPregnant became my personal hashtag.


How to prepare your firstborn for bringing home baby #2

11 tips from a pediatrician that will hopefully make the transition easier for the whole family.


To the pregnant mama chasing her toddler: I see you

Sometimes this in-between place, this before baby #2 place, can feel scary because just so much unknown looms before you. But believe me when I say, you've got this.


A letter to my son, who will soon be a big brother

More than anything, I'm excited to watch you two grow up together.


My heart aches knowing it won’t be just you and me anymore, my firstborn

In not too long, you'll be a big brother. Something I'm reminded of constantly with the kicks and jabs to my ribs. With the simultaneous slowing and quickening of time that comes only with waiting for a new life to enter the world.
