Colleen Temple, Author at Motherly

Colleen Temple

Colleen Temple, M. Ed (she/her) is a freelance writer, author of the novel Summer Breakdown, and editor of This Is Motherhood. She lives in a coastal Massachusetts town with her husband Colin and their three lively, creative, and hilarious children. Summer Breakdown is her debut novel, and you can find more of her work online at @colltemple (IG) and @watchcollwrite (TikTok).

couple sitting on a couch with two kids

To my partner: One day, we’ll miss all of this

But right now we have all this. All this beauty. All this wonder. All this joy. Right at our fingertips.

Updated September 3, 2024
couple smiling over pregnancy announcement - how to tell your husband you're pregnant

10 creative ways to tell your partner you’re pregnant

Wondering "How do I tell him I'm pregnant?" We polled Motherly mamas to see how they shared the big news with their significant others.

Updated April 17, 2023
pregnant mom holding belly

To the moms who gave my kids their hand-me-downs—thank you

I swear, I just brought up the 18-month clothes, but now I need to get the 24-month size clothes out.

December 17, 2023
mom in bed on a laptop

To the mama who stays up (way) past her bedtime

These late night hours are my time to be selfish. To think of me—and me only.

Updated April 21, 2022
fall in love: dad with daughter

To my husband: Watching you be a father makes me fall in love with you all over again

I don’t know if you ever dreamed of being a father when you were little, but you were destined to be the father of our kids.

June 10, 2022
older sibling snuggling baby

10 secrets for raising a kind and compassionate child

The best tips from our favorite experts.

Updated March 31, 2022
dad and baby on chest

9 things I wish my husband had known before we brought baby home

There's so much to navigate in new parenthood. Proud new papas of the world, this one's for you.

October 26, 2021
women and child

To my sister who had kids before me: I’m sorry I didn’t get it

Now that I'm thinking back on it, I really had no clue about these 10 things.

October 22, 2021

10 kid-friendly breakfasts that are as easy as they are delicious

You will fear neither breakfast nor Mondays after checking out these tasty morning meals.

Updated November 19, 2015