I’d like to thank the all-star grandparents out there. Particularly the grandparents in my family’s life—because boy, they deserve all the recognition possible. (Times a million.)

They have been there to help us from the start. With whatever we need, whenever we need it. They love our children as their own, and we can trust them 110% with our kid’s lives. We don’t even have to worry for a second when we’re not around and Grandma and Grandpa are there—because we know that they’ve got things under control.

They’re there for the celebrations, the new babies, and the really hard draining times when they know we need an extra set of hands. They mow our lawns, buy beautiful stuffed animals when our babies are born, and treat us to ice cream.

They cater to our specific parenting requests and tell our kiddos that not only are they beautiful and handsome—but they are also strong, intelligent, powerful, funny, creative and kind.

They are basically angels delivered from heaven. (Sometimes even with gifts like new slippers, M&M’s and if you’re super lucky—delicious meatballs and freshly baked cookies.)

So, to all the Grandmas and Grandpas in the place with style and grace…I want to thank you.

On behalf of all the parents of the world, I want to thank all of the grandparents out there for their dedication, compassion, patience and love. So without further ado…

To the Nanas who sit and paint with our kiddos for hours on end while making them laugh hysterically—thank you. (And, sorry for the mess!)

To the Papas who always bring a fun, thoughtful treat that makes our children’s faces light up immediately—thank you.

To the Grandmas who make the best chicken soup in the world (and always enough to freeze for another time!)—thank you.

To the Grandpas who get down on the floor with our children and play with them ’til the cows come home—thank you.

To the Mimis who tell the best, most elaborate, enthusiastic stories that our little ones are absolutely enchanted by—thank you.

To the Grand-pères who fish and hike and bike and dig with our kids—thank you.

To the Omas who have been in the delivery room with us rubbing our backs and wiping our foreheads with a cloth—thank you.

To the Opas who change diapers and feed our babies and wipe noses and patch up boo-boos—thank you.

To the Mormors who watch our children so we can go to work without worrying about the care and comfort of our precious babies—thank you.

To the Bedstefars who, without fail, always put money into a college savings account for their grandchildren every month—thank you.

To the Grammys who rock our babies to sleep so we can have a break—thank you.

To the Pop-Pops who teach our children valuable life lessons on everything from saving money to working hard and being kind—thank you.

To the Babas who know just what to say and when to say it—thank you.

To the Gigis who let us shower while they occupy the kids—thank you.

To the Yayas who buy the best clothes (in the right sizes!), and new sneakers whenever the kids need them—thank you.

To the Pappoús who do school pickup for us—thank you.

To the Mawmaws and Pawpaws who have paid for ballet classes and soccer cleats—thank you.

To the Gramps who FaceTimes whenever our children want them to, you always make yourself available—thank you.

To the Grannys who sing the best songs and know just how to calm our little ones down—thank you.

To the Nonnas who teach our children how to make Italian lemon cookies—thank you. (And for including them in the baking process. They get SO excited!)

I feel like I can never repay my parents and in-laws for all that they’ve done for us and continue to do for us, to be honest. I wish I could win the lottery and treat them to an elaborate, all-expense paid for trip to wherever they wanted. I wish I could buy them new cars, send them to the spa or magically wipe some of their worries away.

But I can’t really. Not right now. Not while we’re in this season of parenting young children and building our lives and finding our footing and figuring it all out.

It makes me feel sad and guilty sometimes. Because I want to give them what they give us all of the time—stability, comfort, reassurance, faith, and help. (Like, over-the-top insane, incredible help.)

For now—at the most basic level of what I can do—I want to shout from the rooftops how much I love them.

Because, I appreciate you.

I am so grateful for you.

I need you.

I applaud you.

I thank you.

I love you.

I finally understand.

And I couldn’t do this motherhood gig without you.

You are loved. So, so very loved.

A version of this story was originally published on June 17, 2021. It has been updated.