When Amy Schumer went onstage and got super honest about her husband’s autism diagnosis, we applauded her. And this week, when an internet commenter asked how she would feel if their son is also on the spectrum, we applauded Amy’s hilarious response.

It happened on Instagram after Amy posted a sweet photo of herself and her son, asking in the caption: “Would anyone be interested in seeing a docu series of my pregnancy and birth?”

Many celebs and commenters replied with resounding yeses, but one Instagram user came to the comments section with a no, suggesting something else entirely: “I’d like to see a documentary of you discovering your mate is diagnosed with autism and how you cope with the possibility that your child will be on the spectrum,” the commenter wrote.

“How I cope? I don’t see being on the spectrum as a negative thing,” Schumer replied. “My husband is my favorite person I’ve ever met. He’s kind, hilarious, interesting and talented and I admire him. Am I supposed to hope my son isn’t like that? I will pay attention and try and provide him with the tools he needs to overcome whatever challenges come up like all parents. I’d be disappointed if he liked the Big Bang theory and Nascar not if he has ASD.”

Mic dropped.

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We’re so happy that Schumer has used her platform to show that neurodivergence is not some awful thing and that being on the spectrum is nothing to be ashamed of.

Some internet commenters have noted that her husband, Chris Fischer, is not representative of all autistic people. That’s obviously true, he’s one guy and there are many, many people living with ASD. A successful chef, Fischer has low support needs while other people diagnosed with ASD may have high support needs, be pre-verbal or non-verbal and require therapy to help with repetitive behaviors, rigidity and fixations.

Simply put, autism is a spectrum disorder, which means that different families live different realities and have different feelings about it.

For Schumer’s family, ASD is not a negative thing, but it is okay if it’s a negative thing for you, mama. It’s okay if you are coping with this. It’s okay if you can’t quite be as positive as Schumer because you’re lying awake at night wondering if your child will grow up to be like her husband or if they’ll be living with you forever.

This is hard. Schumer’s previous comments indicate that she’s not trying to diminish that. She’s just trying to say that ASD is part of a person she loves, who is awesome and who she wouldn’t change. That’s what love is. And it’s worth applauding.

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