Home / Life This husband set up ‘date nights’ outside his wife’s hospital window She's currently on bed rest, and they can't be together because of the pandemic. By Heather Marcoux May 27, 2020 Rectangle Being put on bed rest is hard on any pregnant mama, but being put on hospital bed rest is especially hard during the pandemic because it can mean being isolated from your family and partner. That’s what happened to Illinois mama Shona Moeller when she was admitted at 23 weeks pregnant back in April. As Moeller and her husband, Robert “Bob” Conlin tell Good Morning America, due to COVID-19 restrictions Moeller was separated from her partner, something that was heartbreaking for both of them. “We were both just sobbing and I was thinking, how could Shona possibly be going through this without me by her side?” Conlin told GMA. “It was really sad and scary but we just focused on the baby and tried to make the best of the situation.” Making the best of it is what Conlin does, so he started setting up ‘date nights’ outside Moeller’s hospital window, hanging out with signs while sitting on a lawn chair and Facetiming his wife from a distance. data-instgrm-captioned data-instgrm-version="4" style=" background:#FFF; border:0; border-radius:3px; box-shadow:0 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.5),0 1px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.15); margin: 1px; max-width:658px; padding:0; width:99.375%; width:-webkit-calc(100% - 2px); width:calc(100% - 2px);"> “Obviously, we weren’t able to touch each other but to be able to see her in 3D and not on a screen was comforting for the both of us,” Conlin explained to Fox News. “I had this instinct that I had to care for my wife as much as I could during this experience. I had to make her feel special and feel loved and have some sense of normalcy.” Baby Forest is due on August 10, but Moeller’s doctors expect him to arrive by June 29. Moeller’s husband plans to be by her side (figuratively, at least) every day until then. “She’s such a strong, brilliant, amazing and powerful woman,” Conlin said. “This is a testament to her resilience.” Categories: Life, Relationships Related articles Baby Health Yellowjackets actress shares the emotional journey of preparing for her baby’s cleft lip surgery January 22, 2025 News Joss Stone is shocked to find out she’s pregnant—weeks after adopting a baby boy January 2, 2025 Life 7 months pregnant on the campaign trail: How motherhood has changed the way I view politics October 22, 2024 Infertility A woman who had 18 miscarriages is raising her miracle baby April 22, 2024 Getting Pregnant What partners can do: 5 strategies to support your partner when trying to get pregnant April 9, 2024