To quote Lucille Ball . . .

“It’s a helluva start, being able to recognize what makes you happy. ”

What makes us truly happy?. . .


Going away with toddlers doesn’t have to be stressful. If the thought of combining small children + sunscreen + sand makes you shudder, we’ve got tips for turning that vacation frown upside down.

In fact, you can actually enjoy yourself—Promise. Check out these 9 travel tips here.

Bon voyage! ?

Working from home

But when you work from home, does having childcare make you happier? Or can you manage without it? For some, it’s doable. But for this mama, trusted childcare is super helpful for productivity. ?


Hot. Married. Sex. Being married with kids doesn’t have to mean a death sentence for your sex life.

And this mama shares why.

Teach us your ways, oh seductive one.

Fresh, organic food—that’s actually affordable

Whole Foods = Whole paycheck no more.

Here are 6 tips for going green on a budget. ?

Here’s to finding what makes you happy this week, mama—

