
four months


Dear mama: You’re not doing it wrong, it’s just that hard

We can try as hard as we possibly can, but sometimes things are just messy.

Baby Milestones

4-month-old baby milestones

Your little love is learning constantly—whether you two are on a walk around the block, snuggling up at bedtime or reading together.

Community & Friendship

Sometimes motherhood can feel really lonely

The world is still out there, waiting for you to return to it.

Four-Month-Old Baby Sleep Guides & Schedules

How much sleep does a 14-week-old baby need?

We've rounded up expert guidance tips on your newborn's sleep schedule.

Four-Month-Old Baby Sleep Guides & Schedules

How much sleep does a 13-week-old baby need?

Here's our expert guidance & tips on your infant's sleep schedule.

Viral & Trending

Moms are ‘flashing’ their breastfed babies in a viral Tiktok trend

Let the joy these babies show remind everyone that all 50 states (and the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands) have laws that protect a mom's right to breastfeed in public, according to the National Conference of State Legislators.

Real Sleep Stories from Real Mamas

Teaching my baby how to sleep made me a better mom

It might be called sleep 'training,' but you're really just giving your baby sleep skills they'll benefit from forever.

Motherhood Understood

Sarah on her first four months of motherhood–not easy, but worth it

"This hasn’t gone the way I expected it to. But she makes every second worth it."


88% of parents say being a parent is harder than ever

Luckily there's a lot we can do to make it easier—like giving ourselves a break on self-imposed expectations, and allowing some room for grace.

Celebrity News

Serena Williams on pumping in the locker room

She opens up and shares some truths.

Baby Sleep Tips

The 4-month sleep regression: What every parent needs to know

Although it can feel like a bit of a storm, the 4-month sleep regression is an exciting time for you and your baby.

Baby Sleep Tips

8 ways to fix your baby’s short naps, according to a baby sleep expert

Ready to raise a good sleeper? Follow these tips.
