

Jessica Biel Motherhood Must Haves Motherly

Baby Shopping Guide

Jessica Biel tells us her 6 motherhood must-haves

The actress, entrepreneur, new author and mom of 2 tells us what she can't do without.

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Our Partners

Dr. Brown’s bottles are the go-to for this feeding expert and mom. Here’s why

Picking the right bottle can be a game-changer for your little one.

Tan France Motherly

Baby Shopping Guide

Tan France tells us his favorite parenting purchases—and how to shop savvy

With two under three, he's got plenty of knowledge to share!

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Labor & Delivery

I captured the emotions of men while watching women give birth—and it was powerful

For every soul we create, there is a soul that we felt a connection with first.

toddler sucking their thumb on mothers lap Motherly

Toddler Health

Gentle ways to wean off the pacifier or thumb-sucking, from a pediatric dentist

Breaking the habit doesn’t have to be harsh.

toddler boy rejecting fork of food Motherly

Toddler Health

To the worried mama whose child won’t eat enough—let go of expectations

By tossing out most of my expectations about food and doing whatever it took to help us achieve our primary goal, we were finally getting somewhere.

Toddler Girl Drinks Milk Next To Mom In Bed Motherly

Toddler Sleep

My toddler has a late bedtime—here’s why our family loves it

Since Lucy prefers to sleep late, we all get to sleep in on the weekend.

toddler boy hugging his mom Motherly

Toddler Learn & Play

Airplane mode can soothe toddler tantrums—yes, really

He doesn’t need to yell so much now that he knows I'm there. Ready and present.

woman in yellow dress by forsythia flowers Motherly

Motherly Stories

Spring’s yellow: A wistful season of beginnings and endings

As color blooms back into the city and the cold wanes, I feel a familiar sadness take hold. Every year, the same deep heartache.

teen boy kissing the cheek of his prom date Motherly

Teen Issues

Neurodiverse teens face challenges in romantic relationships: Here’s how to support them

Learning to navigate romantic relationships is difficult for everyone, but being neurodiverse can add an extra layer of challenge.

mom and teen daughter talking in bedroom Motherly

Teen Issues

How to talk to a teenager—and get them to talk to you

There's so much in the world that can be unpleasant to talk about, but it's almost always worse to leave things unsaid.

teenagers screen time Motherly

Teen Health

When it comes to teens, this psychologist has one major tip—no tech in the bedroom

This tip can make a world of difference in your teen’s mood, mental health, and online safety.

weighted sleep sacks Motherly


Mass retailers have pulled weighted infant sleepwear from shelves due to safety concerns

Pediatric health experts and lawmakers alike are concerned about the safety of weighted infant sleepwear.

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Viral & Trending

Mom’s viral safety hack shows how to install a car seat as tightly as possible

It's CRAZY how loose car seats can be in the car, even when we're pulling the straps as hard as we can.

couple signing contract with car dealer Motherly


Looking for a new family car? Make sure it has these key safety features, an expert says

Whether you're transporting your newborn or getting ready to hand over the keys to your teen, here are the key considerations when looking for a new vehicle.

little girl leaving the house Motherly

Viral & Trending

Mom says using Apple AirTags helps her keep track of her toddler daughter in real-time

"As a parent, my top priority is her safety in addition to her ability to have some independence."

a mother looking down at her baby Motherly

Single Parenting

The fairytale of independent motherhood

One mom’s journey of turning a failed engagement into her own true love story.

two young kids looking at leaf Motherly

Motherly Stories

I’m a single mother by choice and my son has half-siblings across the globe

In a world that often values traditional family structures, my son's story serves as a reminder that family comes in all shapes and sizes.

robert deniro Motherly

Celebrity News

Robert De Niro admits he doesn’t do the ‘heavy lifting’ of parenting his new baby

Robert De Niro on fatherhood: "I don’t do the heavy lifting. I’m there, I support my girlfriend. But she does the work."

mom snuggling young son close Motherly

Motherly Stories

I am my children’s safe space and their constant comfort

Moms are the quintessential workers that show up every day.

The State of Motherhood

Motherly is the voice of modern motherhood, with an audience of more than 30 million users who consume Motherly content each month.

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Explore More

mom holding sleeping newborn Motherly

Baby Sleep Tips

10 tips to try to get your baby to sleep soundly

A sleep consultant shares her best secrets.

breastfeeding tips Motherly

Baby Feeding Guides & Schedules

Newborn breastfeeding: Your guide to the first week of nursing

Remember: Breastfeeding is a learned process.

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Children's Health

The way we talk to our children becomes part of their conscience for years to come

I want him to practice courage over comfort and not make choices so that his friends think he is cool.

mother embracing her disabled child Motherly


5 myths about disability mothering

Understanding and empathizing with the realities of the disability mothering experience is the first step toward building a society that supports, includes and celebrates the diverse abilities of all its members.

woman on bed smiling covering her face Motherly

Mental Health

Embracing my ADHD in motherhood led me to deeper self-compassion

"We somehow believe if we just beat ourselves up enough, we can compartmentalize our mental health and become the moms we want to be. But we can’t bully ourselves out of mental health struggles," writes Momwell founder Erica Djossa in this excerpt from her new book, "The Mother Load".
