Rachel Gorton, Author at Motherly

Rachel Gorton

Rachel is the Motherly Sleep Expert, a certified infant and Toddler Sleep Specialist and Motherly's Sales Partnerships Manager. She is passionate about educating families on the importance of rest and providing the encouragement to overcome sleep challenges. She lives outside of Boston with her husband and children. Follow her on Instagram.

mom kissing newborn baby in the hospital after getting induced at 39 weeks

My birth story: I was induced at 39 weeks

I am a proud mom of five, two of whom I have given birth to.

Updated September 14, 2022
mother with baby on her chest taking nap - are contact naps safe

Are contact naps safe? A pediatric sleep consultant weighs in

Ready to maximize those sweet snuggles? Here's how to make sure you're doing contact naps safely.

Updated August 27, 2024
when should babies sleep in their own room: baby girl sleeping in crib

How to tell when your baby should sleep in their own room, according to a sleep expert

Several factors should be considered in this decision, mama.

January 26, 2022
baby sleeping in crib- when do babies drop to one nap

Here’s how to know when it’s time to drop a nap

Our resident sleep expert shares the signs to watch out for.

Updated January 6, 2023
how to prepare kids for daylight savings

Daylight Savings 2024: How to ‘fall back’ with kids without losing sleep

Here's what you need to know to be prepared for daylight saving time.

Updated November 1, 2024

When can your baby sleep with a blanket?

It's older than you think.

Updated September 20, 2023

When can you sleep train a baby? There’s only one hard-and-fast rule, according to experts

A baby sleep consultant breaks down how old your baby should be before starting.

July 9, 2021

Parenting during the coronavirus is a completely new level of burnout

I am being consumed, not only by pandemic fatigue, but also by decision fatigue with no end in sight.

July 27, 2020
dad reading book to a vhild while mom is stressed in the corner

I miss having personal space

My once quiet area, free of distraction and interruption, is now the communal space for all child activities.

May 8, 2020

Getting enough sleep is more important than ever

Being quarantined and unexpectedly homeschooling is adding even more to the mental load of motherhood. Here's how to get rest, mama.

March 19, 2020
child sleeping in bed in daylight- daylight savings 2023

Spring forward without losing sleep: 5 tricks to adjusting to Daylight Saving Time with kids

DST is around the corner, and sadly, there are no exemptions for the already-sleep-deprived.

Updated March 6, 2024