Home / Life Getting Out the Door With Your Baby Real mom strategies to help you get into your momflow. By Jessica Pallay August 29, 2018 Rectangle *We know it can be hard to get out the door when you’re a new mom. So we’ve partnered with Munchkin to share real stories & strategies from real moms that will help motivate you to get out the door and get into your mom flow. Those first few days, weeks, even months, of motherhood are hard! Even the smallest of tasks — like getting out the door with your baby — can seem daunting, and sometimes downright impossible. But it’s so important to get out and about as a new mom. A simple walk to the park can help prevent postpartum depression; a day trip can help you find the community you so badly need for support; a weekend away can help you build your strength and confidence. And so much more! One thing that helps you get out the door? The right baby gear. So we’ve partnered with Munchkin, who somehow has all the right stuff for being out and about with baby, to share some very raw, very real and very inspiring stories of motherhood. Below, some of our favorite Instagram moms reveal why Getting out the Door with Baby is so important to them, and share their best tips for helping YOU get out the door with your own baby. MTHR Collective founder Liz Franco: As a first-time mom, I didn’t really know what to expect with my baby. But I’d see a lot of my favorite moms on Instagram looking perfectly coiffed, out and about with their newborn in a picturesque ring sling, and I thought that was “the norm.” The reality was a little bit different than that. The anxiety that came with getting out the door with my baby tended to be overwhelming and, to be quite honest, sometimes still is. It gets easier as time goes on! Now that my son is almost a year old and we have our routine down, we’re pretty good about getting out of the house. But we definitely still have some harder days. My best advice for the mama going through it right now is to utilize your village, whatever that looks like. Don’t be afraid to ASK YOUR PEOPLE FOR HELP. Above all else, please know that you are doing a great job! Check out Liz’s must-haves for getting out the door HERE. Mom Blogger Elizabeth Ariola of Mrs. Nipple: You are always going to run into obstacles while traveling. As a parent, it’s all about how to handle them. Your reactions will set the tone for the day. That’s something I try to be very aware of. But it’s also just as important to know when to say: this isn’t going to work today. Sometimes you just need to go back to the hotel, order room service, and start over tomorrow. If you’re nervous about taking that first vacation, my best advice is: just do it. After your first trip, you will gain that mama confidence you need. Even if it goes terribly wrong, at least you tried! Home will always be there, but that chance to travel with your baby won’t be. Check out Elizabeth’s must-haves for getting out the door HERE. Katie and Christina of Baby Bailey Mama Drama: We were nervous attending our first parenting class because we didn’t know what other parents would think of us as a gay couple. Then we realized that it really doesn’t matter what others think. If they don’t support our life and family, then we weren’t meant to be friends. It’s scary going somewhere new with a baby in tow, and you may feel out of your comfortable zone. The Bay Area is definitely a unique place, and more inclusive and diverse than others. We know it’s not like this everywhere. If you’re a new parent, gay or otherwise, and you’re feeling isolated, just take that first step and get out the door. The first step is the hardest, but after you do it once, you won’t regret it. Check out Katie and Christina’s must-haves for getting out the door HERE. Categories: Life Related articles Postpartum This viral text is changing how we support moms who just had a baby February 4, 2025 Work & Motherhood Amy Adams opens up about crying in closets and the pressure to be ‘good at everything’ as a new mom December 4, 2024 Postpartum Scarlett Johansson reflects on postpartum life: ‘I was staring into the abyss like, what have I done?’ January 23, 2025 Our Partners Why Moms Are Calling This High Chair + Toddler Tower a Parenting Game-Changer January 22, 2025 Parenting Alone with your newborn: The raw reality of the first day postpartum November 25, 2024