In “Sentences You Never Thought You’d Read” news, someone apparently threw a bag of human remains belonging to their mother on stage during a recent Pink concert (yes, while she was performing).

A video circulating on Twitter appears to show Pink picking up a bag in the middle of her concert at London’s BST Hyde Park and asking a fan in the crowd, “Is this your mom?”

She was singing her hit “Just like a Pill” when the bag-thrower tossed the ashes on stage. While we can’t see the fan’s reaction, Pink appears to be confused and shocked as she says, “I don’t know how I feel about this” before setting the bag down and continuing her performance.

It’s impossible to know what goes through people’s minds during the grief process, as we all experience it differently. Maybe Pink was the fan’s favorite artist to listen to with their mother. Maybe their mom really loved “Just like a Pill.” Maybe the bag was full of…not a person? And it was a weird joke?

Regardless, fans have been displaying inappropriate concert etiquette in recent weeks. During a Bebe Rexha show last week, some dude chucked his phone right at her head and she had to end the concert go to the hospital to receive stitches. (Nicolas Malvagna, the 27-year-old who was brought into custody for the assault, said, “I was trying to see if I could hit her with the phone at the end of the show because it would be funny.”)

A few days after that incident, a fan climbed onstage during an Ava Max performance in L.A. and slapped her. “He slapped me so hard that he scratched the inside of my eye,” she tweeted. “He’s never coming to a show again.”

While Pink wasn’t physically assaulted, it’s pretty safe to say that throwing a bag of possible human remains on stage—or anywhere, anytime, at anyone, really—isn’t a great thing to do.

Maybe some of us lapsed in our social skills and graces because of the pandemic, but uh, now would be an excellent time to re-educate ourselves on how to behave in public. Especially toward women—what kind of example is this setting for young fans of musicians? (And God bless whoever was in that bag, may she rest in an eternal Pink paradise.)