Social media certainly makes it hard to feel like you have your life together sometimes. All you see is perfectly curated selfies, family photos, and immaculate homes that look like they were pulled out of a home decor catalog. Thankfully, this new viral trend on TikTok is showing everyone the good, the bad, and the ugly when it comes to actually living in your home and how there’s always more than meets the eye on social media.

House vs. Home is a trend on TikTok where users share their photos of their immaculate looking homes all cleaned up and styled next to photos of all the things that can’t be seen, including warped floors, stained doors, foundation cracks, dirty windows, furniture clearly scratched up and decimated by a cat, dirty walls, holes in curtains (and walls), and more. And to be honest, it’s quite refreshing. 

Commenters on these videos are here for this trend, most of them saying the trend has helped with their anxiety surrounding their own home. For example, Danielle over at @boujee.beez shared her house and home on her TikTok channel, and the folks in the comments were pleased and relieved. 

“The way this trend has truly helped me with my expectation of my own home and anxiety surrounding it,” one viewer commented. Another said, “No but do you know how many people you have helped here feel better about their own home?” to which Danielle replied, “No stop you’re too sweet.” Sweet, maybe, but honest for sure. 

Katie Boeckman said that the video Danielle posted “changed her life.” 

“I honestly was starting to feel insane like how do they have these ‘perfect’ homes where do they get the time,” she said.

And really, nobody has the time to have a truly immaculate home, and all homes have flaws. Of course people only share what they want the world to see, and nobody wants to admit they don’t live this picture perfect curated life. All of us have marks, dents, and dirt, as human beings, and our homes as well. Hopefully this trend sticks around for the long haul and we see more trends of people being real on social media. Our collective self-confidence and anxiety could really use it.

A version of this story was originally published on Dec 6, 2023. It has been updated.