Few occasions are more momentous than welcoming of a new baby—and that should be celebrated. Of course, you really can’t go wrong with beautiful, florist-crafted bouquets delivered to show someone how much you care about their special new addition to the family. But to take it a step further, flowers that are selected to honor this specific milestone are particularly meaningful. 

With more than one century in the floral-gifting business, FTD has earned its reputation as the best way to use flowers to express adoration, congratulations and many more sentiments. From the extensive network of local florists to hundreds of stunning arrangements, every gift from FTD is sure to be special for the recipient—especially when the gift is chosen with love. 

Add a thoughtful touch to your gift with these meaningful flowers from FTD.

Light of My Life Bouquet

A bouquet that features birth month flowers

Light of My Life Bouquet


Did you know that there are birth month flowers? From violets in February to roses in June to chrysanthemums in November, incorporating birth month flowers into a bouquet is a thoughtful way to personalize your gift. When you’re shopping with FTD, it’s easy to search by flower type to find a great arrangement for every month—like the gorgeous Light of My Life Bouquet that includes roses, carnations, daisies and lilies.

You're Precious Bouquet FTD

Carnations represent a mother's love

You're Precious Bouquet


As the official flower of Mother’s Day, carnations are said to represent a mother’s love—which also makes them a very fitting gift to celebrate a new baby’s arrival. Carnations also make the perfect complement for roses and Peruvian lilies in this stunning bouquet, which is available in four sizes. There are even add-on gifts that would be so sweet for a new baby, like a cute plush bear.

Yellow Orchid with Lovepop Card

A flowering plant to grow

Yellow Orchid & Welcome Baby Lovepop Pop-Up Card


A living plant is a perfect way to celebrate a lifetime of growth—especially when paired with a cute pop-up card that congratulates the new parents. For this gift, the vibrant, yellow orchid arrives ready to display in a ceramic pot. With minimal care and indirect sunlight, potted orchids can live for more than 10 years. (So taking care of the plant won’t be a big task for the busy new parents!)

My Darling Calla Lily Plant

Calla Lilies represent beauty

My Darling Pink Calla Lily


What’s more beautiful than a new addition to the world? As a bloom that represents beauty, a living gift of calla lilies is both pretty and meaningful. For the gift-giver, FTD makes everything as simple as can be: The potted calla lilies are delivered to the doorstep and arrive ready to display. And, for the recipient, the plant only needs water about once per week and a spot in indirect sunlight.

Best Day Bouquet FTD

A bouquet that celebrates the best day

Best Day Bouquet


For new parents, the “Best Day Bouquet” is especially appropriate! Featuring gorgeous sunflowers, roses, snapdragons and more, this arrangement is a beautiful way to celebrate the family’s best day. Available in five sizes, each bouquet is designed by florists and delivered ready to display in a reusable vase.

Beyond Blue Bouquet

Blue with daisies symbolizes innocence

Beyond Blue Bouquet


Beyond their beauty, daisies also represent innocence, which makes them a sweet gift to welcome a new baby into the world. Paired with blue and white blooms, this bouquet is designed by florists to stun during every season.

Rainbow Roses Bouquet

For a rainbow baby

Rainbow Roses


For parents who are welcoming a baby after a previous loss, this unique bouquet of rainbow roses thoughtfully celebrates the milestone while honoring their memories. The farm-fresh bunch of one dozen roses are hand-dyed in a rainbow pattern and arrive ready to display in a clear ginger glass vase.

Explore these gifts and so much more from FTD.