
supporting mothers


Postpartum doulas are the support system all new mothers need

But paying for one is a challenge for most.

Career & Money

7 ways unemployed moms can get support—right now

In September 2020 alone, a whopping 865,000 women left the workforce—four times the amount of men. And, of all the jobs eliminated in the first wave of layoffs post-pandemic, approximately 60% were women, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics by the U.S. Department of Labor.


It’s our birthday! Motherly turns 5 today!

You've got this. And we've got you.

Community & Friendship

Peer support workers are a new—but growing—way mothers can get the mental health help they need

Because you don't have to struggle alone, mama.


This isn’t my first baby—but I still need your support more than ever

The truth is, no matter how old my children are, no matter how independent the big ones get, no matter how "put together" I may appear, I humbly share that I am not always managing this very well all on my own. Please know I still need you.

Health & Wellness

Giving birth under general anesthesia increases your odds of getting PPD by 54%

This research underscores the importance of postpartum support for mothers.

Celebrity News

Meghan Markle joined a new mom’s playgroup which is great for baby—and mama, too

Persistent playgroup attendance has a protective factors for moms, says science.

Health & Wellness

A mother seeking help for her mental health loses custody of her children, instead—and it’s so wrong

Perfectly normal feelings resulted in a perfectly NOT normal response. We need to do better.


Dear mothers: We can’t keep pretending this is working for us

It's not simply overwhelming that parenting standards have risen dramatically while support systems have vanished, it's an unfair setup that has mothers thinking their personal inadequacies are to blame for what is actually the fault of a broken system and distortions of reality.


This is what postpartum mamas actually need

This is a picture of me mid-meltdown during my second week as a mom of two. I just got done breastfeeding for what felt like the 100th time and my husband had just entered the room asking if I needed anything, and I said no. When he walked out, I just broke down. Because there were SO many things I needed.

Health & Wellness

Mama, having someone to vent to is important to your health (and your baby’s)

The power of having a village is real.


This mom’s plea for coffee in the hospital goes viral after her internet friends come to the rescue

"Going through this as a single mom has been a lot. It's exhausting. But now I don't feel so alone," shares Jaiden Cowley.
