Coming up with lunch ideas everyday can be tough but sweet lunchbox notes for kids will put a smile on their face no matter what you pack for them. It might even be the right incentive they need to finish all their food, yes, including their veggies.

Kids lunchbox notes can be as simple as their favorite film quotes, a reminder to smile or be kind, a virtual hug or even an inside joke between the two of you. Let them know you’re always with them even when you’re physically apart. Even first day jitters are no match for reminders of love and support. Plus, mix it up with kids jokes for sweet giggles. Create a memory they’ll cherish for years to come.

10 lunchbox notes for kids

1. Unicorns instantly brighten up the day

2. Spooky lunch and a reusable container is a double win

3. Fun facts

4. First day of school

5. Raising kind kids can start with kind lunchbox notes!

6. The magic of libraries

7. A sweet reminder

8. Veggies with a side of confidence booster

9. Great point (get it?)

10. A pun a day keeps smiles in place