I swear by these Dragon’s Blood eye patches to look more awake
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I’m a sucker for baby-soft skin. I’ve always been a firm believer in regular facials and a strict bedtime beauty routine. That is until I had a baby. Things suddenly changed and I hardly had time to go to the bathroom, let alone tend to a self-care routine that made me feel pretty. Two and a half years later I had another baby and had to revamp my beauty routine again. I eventually mastered it, and life was back to normal.

And now the coronavirus is here and I’m back to finding time to carve out for my beauty routine. Being quarantined in my home with my husband and two kids under four means I’m constantly homeschooling, cooking, cleaning and working. In other words, nourishing my baby-soft skin is non-existent. My new normal was sucking the life out of me and my skin. I needed a change.

I was so distraught until I had a Zoom session with my bestie who helped me have a moment of clarity. She asked, “why stress about your next spa appointment when you can get the same results at home with a mask?” She was right.

After a few quick searches online, I decided to try Rodial’s Dragon’s Blood jelly eye patches, an instant-gratification mask that works to smooth, plump and restore moisture in my under-eye area with… dragon’s blood.

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Now before you get freaked out, hear me out. Dragon’s blood, also known as Croton Lechleri, is the name of a tree found throughout South America. It’s reddish brown sap is loaded with taspine, an organic compound that has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that help speed the regeneration of skin cells.

The humectants in it pull and hold moisture into my under eye area. Within minutes it lifted, firmed and smoothed my skin. I was impressed—it was exactly what I needed to feel like myself again.

I should warn you that the jelly texture feels like a wet noodle. It’s slippery so make sure you apply it over a clean surface, like your vanity, in case you drop it.

Here’s how to apply Rodial’s Dragon’s Blood jelly eye patches:

  1. First, thoroughly cleanse and dry your face. The mask is amazing, but trust me, it won’t work on dirty, greasy skin.
  2. Remove each eye mask from the plastic sheet and apply it directly to your under eye area.
  3. Place the narrow side towards your nose, and the wide side to the outer corner of your eye.
  4. Remove the second protective fabric sheet. Leave on for 20 to 30 minutes and peel away.
  5. Gently massage any residue into your skin.

The eye patches are $11 each and $39 for a box of four. It’s available at bluemercury.com and Rodial.co.uk.

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