
Motherly Stories

Motherhood changes us. Celebrate the ups and downs with these honest, insightful essays about becoming—and being—a mom.


Words of encouragement when IVF doesn’t work—from someone who is there, too

Sometimes things don’t make sense and today we are just trying to figure out how to deal with that.


My 10-year-old daughter asked if she was fat, and it gutted me

I looked my daughter right in her sweet little eyes and told her what I wish I’d known at a much younger age: the truth.

Toddler Health

To the worried mama whose child won’t eat enough—let go of expectations

By tossing out most of my expectations about food and doing whatever it took to help us achieve our primary goal, we were finally getting somewhere.

Real Feeding Stories from Real Mamas

Breastfeeding is a marathon and women’s bodies pay the price

We love our babies more than anything, and sometimes we feel like we have to sacrifice ourselves in order to prove our devotion.

Motherly Stories

Having a second baby healed me

I couldn’t have known it then, but the choice to grow our family was the ultimate act of optimism and reclamation.


My son chose pink and purple shoes—and I let him buy them

There are many parenting moments which have caught me off guard. This was one of them.

Motherly Stories

The problem with ‘gentle parenting?’ It’s not always gentle on mothers

At first blush, gentle parenting seems like the gold star for parenting. But there is another side to the gentle parenting movement that doesn’t often get discussed.

Motherly Stories

In the future, our kids may not remember this, but we will

I'll remember holding your hand as you took your first steps. Away from me. Towards the world.

Toddler Learn & Play

Airplane mode can soothe toddler tantrums—yes, really

He doesn’t need to yell so much now that he knows I'm there. Ready and present.

Motherly Stories

To my child, when I forget to feel lucky

My life could have gone in a hundred different directions. Instead, here I am, getting to be with you.

Motherly Stories

How to know when to quit youth sports—from a family therapist

I empower my daughter to play hard, give it her best, learn from her mistakes, and above all, know when to quit.

Motherly Stories

Letter to a harried mom—it gets better

When I suggested you would miss this time of your life someday, you didn’t seem convinced.
