We’ve been staring at ghouls and goblins, spiders and rotting pumpkins for a good month now. The minute it ends, one viral TikTok concludes, we are ready to switch to Christmas decorations. The morning after Halloween, or maybe for some, even just after trick-or-treating, all that ghostly stuff has GOT to go. In its place, the early stages of wreaths and garland are moving in, to get an early jump on a fresh holiday season.

Tiktoker Sandra Benz posted yesterday, to a background of Mariah Carey’s famous “All I Want for Christmas is You,” a mom watching her watch, counting down to midnight on Oct. 31. At that point, she starts swapping decor, pushing aside a white pumpkin for a wooden horse, and looks much happier to be displaying her Christmas wreath. It doesn’t matter that Christmas is almost two months away still. She ends the video bouncing around in her Christmas sweater complete with galloping reindeer. 

@sandrabenz_ Ich an Halloween 😂 #happyhalloween #merrychristmas #christmasdecor #weihnachtsdeko ♬ All I Want for Christmas Is You – Mariah Carey

One commenter wrote, “I’m guilty — I decorated for Christmas on Halloween. Couldn’t wait any longer.” Others agreed now is the time.

“In a world full of stress and anxiety, people like to associate to things that make them happy and Christmas decorations evoke those strong feelings of the childhood,” psychoanalyst Steve McKeown told Unilad in 2017. “Decorations are simply an anchor or pathway to those old childhood magical emotions of excitement. So putting up those Christmas decorations early extends the excitement.”

Benz clearly isn’t alone, or even (that) crazy — Etsy trend experts say people start shopping for tinsel, garlands, and ornaments as early as the beginning of August typically, Martha Stewart reports. If you want to be a bit more gradual about it, though, you can mix some Christmas decor from wreaths and garlands to some basic lights, in with your Thanksgiving and harvest-vibe items. As long as those skeletons disappear like, today.