Home / Pregnancy Congrats—you’re pregnant! 10 fun ways to share the news with your partner After all that “trying,” you get to share the big news with your partner. How will you do it? By Colleen Temple November 16, 2016 Rectangle Inside this article Here are 10 of our favorite ways to share the news with your love:1. Say it with food.2. Don't just say it, wear it.3. Share the good news with a treat!4. Surprise yourself, too!5. Coffee + babies, what else does one need?6. We're getting a... puppy baby!7. Send the news long-distance.8. Download an app for him.9. Say it with stationery.10. Photobomb! Table of Contents Toggle Here are 10 of our favorite ways to share the news with your love:1. Say it with food.2. Don't just say it, wear it.3. Share the good news with a treat!4. Surprise yourself, too!5. Coffee + babies, what else does one need?6. We're getting a... puppy baby!7. Send the news long-distance.8. Download an app for him.9. Say it with stationery.10. Photobomb! After trying so hard and being so patient, the day will soon come when you get to share the big news with your partner—you guys are going to have a baby! So, how will you do it? Will it be a secret message in a fortune cookie? “Daddy” written on his Starbucks order? No matter what you choose to do, we’re sure he is going to LOVE your announcement. The two of you have put your whole hearts into this project, and the fun is only just beginning. So soak it all in! Here are 10 of our favorite ways to share the news with your love: 1. Say it with food. Blindfold your man and play a taste-testing game like Kristen and Cory did. She set up a few jars of food for Cory to taste, with a jar of baby food saved for last. It was so sweet and he was so surprised—win, win! 2. Don’t just say it, wear it. Order a cute shirt for yourself that says “Preggers.” Throw it on when you’re ready to tell him, and see how long it takes him to notice. ? 3. Share the good news with a treat! Order custom fortune cookies with “We’re having a baby!” or luck out with one that just so happens to be perfect for your occasion, like this one. ? 4. Surprise yourself, too! Once you take the pregnancy test, film yourself while waiting for the results to show. Once you’ve waited enough time, close your eyes and try to film the stick as best you can without looking directly at the stick (?). Now, as long as you can practice self-control, wait until you and your partner are together, and then watch the video so you find out the results together. 5. Coffee + babies, what else does one need? These mugs are adorable! Make your cutie a cup of coffee, and wait for him to finish drinking it to reveal the big news. Who wouldn’t want to start their day like that? 6. We’re getting a… puppy baby! Throw him off by pretending your big news is something other than a baby, like a puppy! That way he’ll be super surprised. A photo posted by Connor Bills (@connor_bills) on Nov 10, 2016 at 7:46am PST 7. Send the news long-distance. This woman surprised her Air Force fiancé because they were going to be apart from each other for another five weeks when she found out the news. She sent him a cute Scrabble game for him to play, with a special message of when their baby was due to join their family. 8. Download an app for him. Download a baby app on your partner’s phone, and either wait for him to notice it and say something or give him a few hints to get him to notice it. Bonus: Now that he has the app, he can use it to stay involved in your pregnancy and connected to the baby. 9. Say it with stationery. Announce your newest little person in an old-fashioned way: With some fun stationery to surprise daddy. We love what Ali Brugman at Smudgey did to let her husband know about the news of their surprise! baby. 10. Photobomb! Plan a photo shoot and surprise your partner with a message that you’re pregnant so that you can capture his reaction in photos, which you can then cherish for the rest of your lives. How awesome will it be when you’re able to show your child these photos?! Categories: Pregnancy Inside this article Here are 10 of our favorite ways to share the news with your love:1. Say it with food.2. Don't just say it, wear it.3. Share the good news with a treat!4. Surprise yourself, too!5. Coffee + babies, what else does one need?6. We're getting a... puppy baby!7. Send the news long-distance.8. Download an app for him.9. Say it with stationery.10. Photobomb! Related articles Pregnancy This is how pregnancy transforms the brain, according to a new study December 6, 2024 Pregnancy If you didn’t experience “pregnancy glow”, you are not alone September 26, 2024 Pregnancy Sometimes pregnancy is the worst, so let’s stop romanticizing it September 21, 2024 Pregnancy Are doulas covered by insurance? It depends on where you live June 15, 2024 Pregnancy Scientists calculate the energy it takes to carry a baby—and it’s WAY more than they thought May 23, 2024