


What is the fourth trimester? Your guide to adjusting for you + your baby

In the fourth trimester, your baby is going through a massive environment transition.

Sleep Safety

‘Consumer Reports’ finds popular co-sleeping products are unsafe for babies

The popular DockATot, the Baby Delight Snuggle Nest Infant Sleeper and the SwaddleMe By Your Side Sleeper were three products identified in their investigation.

Real Feeding Stories from Real Mamas

Saying ‘breast is best’ oversimplifies a complicated issue for mothers

It makes mothers feel guilty unnecessarily.

Baby Feeding Guides & Schedules

The pressure to exclusively breastfeed is hurting mothers’ mental health

Research shows there's a link between mothers with negative breastfeeding experiences and symptoms of depression.

Our Partners

13 breastfeeding products our editors can’t live without

Spoiler: They're a total game-changer.


I learned that breastfeeding is a marathon—not a sprint

In those early newborn days, my daughter and I spent 20 hours a day in physical contact.


Leaving the hospital with my baby still in the NICU was so hard

I had to go back to the NICU and give my baby one more kiss.

Baby Feeding Guides & Schedules

Not all breastfeeding babies with tongue-ties automatically need to get surgery, says new study

Referrals for the procedure in the U.S. went up tenfold, from 1,200 in 1997 to 12,400 in 2012.


Mamas recovering from postpartum, we see you

I saw the pain in your eyes and in your face and in your body.


Dear first-time mama: Here’s the truth

You will wonder why you can do calculus, but nobody ever taught you how to cook one-handed while holding a newborn attached to your breast.
