World Book Day 2020 has come and gone, but Amazon is still celebrating the art of reading by offering nine free books on the Kindle Store . Books that typically sell for $5, are available for free until midnight today (April 24) and we couldn’t be more excited.

Aside from the books being free, perhaps the coolest thing about the offering is that you don’t have to have a Kindle membership or even a Kindle device to download the books. If you have an Amazon account, simply download the free cloud reader to read from any device or browser.

Every year Amazon gives away free books to support World Book Day—this year’s theme is ‘Read The World’ and features authors from all around the world. The bottom line: If you’ve been considering adding a few reads to your shelf, now’s a great time to do it.

‘Hard Rain’ by Irma Venter

'Hard Rain' by Irma Venter

Chaos, murder and a touch of romance occurs in East Africa.

‘Your Perfect Year: A Novel’ by Charlotte Lucas

Your Perfect Year: A Novel

A cynical man is forced to consider doing something he never imagined.

‘The Man Who Played with Fire’ by Jan Stocklassa

The Man Who Played with Fire

The author of the Millennium novels laid out the clues and a journalist is determined to follow them.

‘The First Mrs. Rothschild’ by Sara Aharoni

The First Mrs. Rothschild

Passionate young lovers in a low-income Jewish neighborhood become big time financial leaders.

‘The Girl in the Tree’ by Şebnem İşigüzel

The Girl in the Tree

A story of a girl coming of age in dangerous times and her unexpected escape.

‘Out of the Silence: After the Crash’ by Eduardo Strauch

Out of the Silence

A story of survival, hope and spiritual awakening in the aftermath of a devastating plane crash.

‘The Price of Paradise’ by Susana López Rubio

The Price of Paradise by Susana Lu00f3pez Rubio

A romantic love story unfolds in a corrupt Cuba in 1947.

‘Life’ by Lu Yao

'Life' by Lu Yao

A young man from a small country village has his life turned upside down when corrupt local politics cost him his beloved dream job.

‘Along the Tapajós’ by Fernando Vilela

Along the Tapaju00f3s

A Brazilian brother and sister are on a mission to find their lost pet.

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