Let me be really upfront about something: I hate mopping. Cleaning my floors in general is effectively the bane of my existence —and I say this as someone who actually likes cleaning and organizing otherwise.

It’s just that cleaning the floors is such back-breaking work. It means lugging heavy machinery , crouching and bending and scrubbing and (*shudder*) dirty water. Between dog prints and shoe scuffs and toddlers, babies and husbands traipsing in and out of the house, the floor is often the resting place of the grossest dirt—and I’d honestly rather just not think about it.

When we bought a house a couple of years ago, I invested in a cordless vacuum which at least took some of the grunt work out of keeping the floors clean. But when it came to mopping, it was still my no-fly zone. (And yes, I tried those disposable mop pads, but I never felt like it really got the floors freshly-scrubbed clean.) Until I got a Tineco IFLOOR3.

The IFLOOR3 is a cordless vacuum that also washes your floors. It’s light, it has a small storage footprint and, perhaps most importantly, it gets your floors seriously clean in the same time it takes to vacuum.

Tineco iFLOOR3

Tineco iFLOOR3 Cordless Wet Dry Vacuum Cleaner

Vacuums and washes floors at the same time, allowing you to keep your floors sparkling in less time.


To run the IFLOOR3, all you have to do is fill the top compartment with water (add a few drops of cleaning detergent for a deep clean), and then start “vacuuming.” Your floors are left only slightly damp and dry in a minute or two—which is perfect for families with impatient toddlers who have no respect for drying floors. It also sucks up any crumbs, dirt, or spilled snacks (wet or dry). The best part, though, is the dirty tank where the water that gets sucked back up goes.

I can’t even express how much satisfaction I get seeing exactly how much grime I just cleaned up in that tank—and then pouring it all down the drain. I use my IFLOOR3 a couple of times a week, and I’m always shocked at how quickly the dirt accumulates. (I don’t even want to know how much dirt was down there back when I only mopped every few weeks!)

Because the vacuum is cordless, it can run for about 20-30 minutes before needing to be charged again, depending if you use the max setting or not. It also has a “self-cleaning” function you should run after each use that cleans and clears the scrubbing roller.

This handy “smart” feature convinced my 4-year-old our vacuum was a robot, so my daughter promptly named the IFLOOR3 Molly. When I first plugged her in to charge, I found my daughter whispering to the vacuum, “Don’t be nervous, all the other robots are going to like you. Alexa and the Roomba are going to be really nice to you.” #MillennialMomLife 😂

Will I ever love mopping? Maybe not. But with the IFLOOR3 (AKA, Molly), it’s definitely one cringe-worthy chore I can happily cross off my list.

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